Week whatever (3?) extras, heat-induced insomnia edition

This morning it was hot in my apartment so I opened the door to my balcony and I took some picture of the frost on the screen door during the five minutes before it melted. Then I took some pictures of the frost on my big picture window. Then I wilted dead away from the heat. Now I’m sharing these pictures. Now I’m signing off until tomorrow.


This reminds me of driving through the desert and witnessing a celestial battle between aliens and gods.


This reminds me of a conveyor belt at the angel wing factory.


This reminds me of the foreman opening the door at the angel wing factory and screaming, “WORK HARDER OR I’LL SLASH YOUR PENSIONS AGAIN!” and then shining his blinding light on them.


This reminds me of being up at 1 in the morning because I can’t sleep and balancing my camera on an end table balanced on a chair because I don’t have a full size tripod and watching the frost on the screen door melt before my eyes because it’s 95 degrees in the apartment.


This reminds me of fancy silk brocade.


This reminds me of the fancy chrysanthemums you get at the florist.


I went camping a couple weeks ago. I went four hours away to take all the kinds of pictures I like to take, just in a different setting. What are the pictures I like to take? Pictures of leaves, duh.

These are my camera shots. Later I’ll update with the ones from my phone. Pumpkin pictures coming at some point, too.


1. The leaves were a-glowin’ especially against the misty gray weather we experienced the first couple of days.



2. Still life on kooky, dangerous steps that every lakeside site boasted


3. A partially skeletonized leaf for Halloween.








7. Pretty undulations in the pine bark. Not sure which pine.




9. My dad returning from a boat ride


10. We spent some time at the dock. I spent equal amounts of time taking pictures of weeds there as I did fishing.




12. Dogwood


13. Sumac


14. Sumac


15. A nutritious snack.


16. On the trail through the oh so stately trees

January 5th


Because I dream big, I decide I could make my own modified, homemade Bailey’s-like thing with all guessing and no measuring. Maybe it looks a little like bilge water, sure. But there was a lot of good stuff in it, including butter. There’s nothing I like more than a drink that can form a skin and gets a little chunky if you forget to shake it.

It was pretty good. See, even the cat likes it.

The weekend

It was a nice weekend. There was a birthday party, and a trip to a nursery, and a bunch of insects. I’m posting these backwards…because I can. A couple hours ago, my dad found a stick insect in the garden. I’d never seen one outside of the confines of a cage in a lab, so this was very exciting.

A face only a mother could love. And me. I love it.

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August 1st

Sometimes you’re the putrifying summer squash left to languish in the field, and sometimes you’re the squash bug lucky enough to feast on that putrifying summer squash. This picture is kind of a holdover from yesterday’s exciting squash and zucchini cleanup adventure, although the picture was actually taken today, of the aftermath.

Squash bug nymphs having the time of their lives