May 21st (roadside) pictures

Went for a short walk this evening just along the road near my house. As always, I found much there to interest me; lots of pretty grasses in bloom. No clue what any of it is, though, and I know next to nothing about grass so I’m not even quite sure where to begin in trying to ID it. Maybe I’ll spend some time over the summer working on that.

1. Horsetail

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February 1st pictures: a foggy day

Crying pines

Rust stain on front porch

Last year's sedum poking through old log

Horsetail! Wonderful horsetail

Horsetail is so fun to play with. Fun fact about horsetail, its stems contain silica, which gives it an abrasive surface, so the plant has been used to scrub pots and pans. Hence another common name, scouring rush.

Somewhere up ahead in the fog, there be curves.


Love the rough texture of this leaf.

The road into "town"

Love these delicate, low-growing little flowers. Alongside the cornfield.